Credit to @stuckinarut2 for sharing "Jehovah Boy" with me when I started fading and needed cheering up:
I've watched this too many times and it's STILL funny.
i thought this video was pretty well done and mildly entertaining to watch.. on another note, i am really hoping some clever ex-jws will do their own animation series with caleb and sophia as young adults trying to leave the org.
that would be awesome.
caleb and sophia ... the ex-jw years..
Credit to @stuckinarut2 for sharing "Jehovah Boy" with me when I started fading and needed cheering up:
I've watched this too many times and it's STILL funny.
so we have all heard the worldwide reports about khalls being sold off and congregations being amalgamated etc.... of course, jws are being told that these actions are a sign of "just how much the work is progressing, and how jehovah is blessing the increase and expansion!".
i can share the following from my part of the world too!.
in perth, western australia the following has occurred.. three "new" congregations have been formed!
Ooooh, you're the first one to comment on your own thread.
@stuckinarut2 be like:
Just kidding ;). Good point, Stuck! Corrupt and deceitful to its core! JWs are the Kamikaze soldiers still fighting decades after the war ended, as Lloyd once put it. Forget Prisoners of War. They are Prisoners of Propaganda.
something just dawned on me today as i processed my assimilation into the real world (thanks to our new poster, @jester, giving me a major throwback to my first post).. when you're a jehovah's witness, you really are in some sort of la la land.
things which are perfectly normal are acts of eating from the table of the demons.
things which are horribly grotesque and extremely unjust are branded as "righteousness".
@truthseeker Please. Those chores are as much of a privilege as mopping up the c*m puddles in a porno booth.
just listened to this delightful young irish lass and just thought i'd share.
a pleasure to listen to her.
well spoken and presents a good argument..
@joe134cd I'm so grateful you introduced me to her channel. Thank you.
@Sour Grapes Me too! In her latest vid, she bravely appeared on camera for the first time! Looks like her appearance certainly matches the beauty within. Such a stunning, articulate young woman. I'd love to see her go far with her activism. She's so sincere and passionate.
i stumbled across this picture.
the title and the subject matter seemed apt in view of recent developments in the news.. .
Oh my gosh. That is every judicial committee a sister has found herself in after committing some infraction of a sexual nature.
himy story is as follows.
i've been friends with a guy for round 1,5 years.
he told me once he had another guy friend who was gay.
@ricsa Wow, I'm really impressed that a regular person (outside of the JW cult) would take the time and energy to research their friend's religion. You sound like a really sincere, thoughtful person who's willing to examine things outside of his own interests. Most people hear the word "religion" and don't want to know about it. It's a really admirable quality you have and is a credit to the friendship you clearly value with this guy :). He's lucky to have a reasonable person like you in his life!
i'm so upset and angry at the same time.
i move in less than 2 weeks and was supposed to be getting help off "brothers" to move and one of them was driving the van and now the elders have had a meeting and told the brothers they can't help coz i'm separated from my (abusive) jw husband and with moving it puts the chances of reconciliation (of which there was zero chance) even further away.
where are these stupid rules that they come up with.
@usualusername1 She's in Scotland.
Urgh, I'm in Australia. I wish I lived closer so I could give you a hand/sort something out for you! Well done for making this move. Wash your hands of both your ex and this religion. Toxic, to say the least. You're finally embarking on a road to a much less stressful, brighter and freer future. We've got your back!
Word of caution - be careful about jumping into a mirror organization or falling for the love bombing of any new church. I say this because I know how much the JWs LOVE having a disgruntled church member attend a meeting. As JWs, we were trained to latch right on and revel in the newly-interested one's church's shortcomings.
I know for a fact that churches hate the JW religion (and justifiably so, thanks to the amount of hate Watchtower dishes up against every other Christian denomination), so I can see you elevated as an example to whichever church you fellowship with as the JW "survivor". Try not to get too mixed up in their adulation and version of love bombing. There's a good lesson to learn from the JW manipulation and over-friendliness to newcomers :).
so as we all know, the australian royal commission has it on record that a "child safegaurding policy" document was produced hurriedly at the tail end of the australian royal commission.. the commission was told by the society representatives that this would be "freely available to all congregants and interested people".. the commission quizzed the brothers as to whether it would "be freely handed out, or simply handed to those who requested it".
either way, it was to be freely available.. so imagine the surprise of one our fellow faders who attended a kh yesterday to ask for a copy!.
she politely and respectfully asked the brother at the door for a copy.
@jwleaks Australia!
so as we all know, the australian royal commission has it on record that a "child safegaurding policy" document was produced hurriedly at the tail end of the australian royal commission.. the commission was told by the society representatives that this would be "freely available to all congregants and interested people".. the commission quizzed the brothers as to whether it would "be freely handed out, or simply handed to those who requested it".
either way, it was to be freely available.. so imagine the surprise of one our fellow faders who attended a kh yesterday to ask for a copy!.
she politely and respectfully asked the brother at the door for a copy.
By simply approaching your congregational elders for a copy of this document, you instantly "out" yourself as someone who watched the commission and knows too much about the Society. You instantly raise a red flag over your head for the elders to clearly see and hone in on. Puts the sincere congregation member at high risk for suspected apostasy :(.
so, i was sort of forced to spend time with my uber-in parents.
they went on gushing about the website, and the new business cards they have to give out to busy people.
business cards?
@Diogenesister Do I want to know her name? F*CK YES.
Strictly for research purposes.
Not. #closetpervert